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Himalayan Bird Adaptations to High Elevations

  • Maricopa Audubon Society (map)

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Meeting ID: 838 1736 6629 Passcode: 744129

Dr. Sahas Barve will talk about the biogeography of Himalayan birds and adaptations to two of the biggest challenges birds face at high elevations; a rarified air and cold temperatures. He will discuss how his findings fit into our understanding of the impact of climate change on birds living on the highest mountains in the world!

Sahas is an avian evolutionary ecologist. He is currently a Peter Buck Fellow at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History where he studies how birds stay warm in the high Himalayas. Sahas is also an avid birder and hopes to see 6000 bird species by the time he is 60. More about him at his website