LeConte’s Thrasher

Volunteers Needed for Thrasher Surveys

The Great Basin Bird Observatory and the Arizona Game and Fish Department will deploy lightweight GPS transmitters on a small sample of Bendire's and LeConte's thrashers to track the movements of these interesting birds and to understand how they respond to the installation of industrial-scale solar facilities.

Volunteers will help mark the territories of thrashers, which is essential for capturing and tagging them. Target areas for this project include Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land in Arizona (Gila Bend, Buckeye, Lake Havasu) and Nevada (Pahrump). We will conduct surveys along transects on roads and washes, utilizing call playback and opportunistic searches. Data collection will be streamlined using the Field Maps app.

Online training Tuesday 7 January 2025 7-8PM

Surveys: January 11 and February 2, 2025

Detailed Expedition Description, CLICK HERE



26th Annual Gila River Indian Reservation Winter Bird Count

Friday, 06 December 2024

This is a rare opportunity to share your knowledge and joy of birding with the youth (and adults) of the GRIC!

Two new sites have been added. Cultural festivities begin at 11:00am.

For information.


Please see several family oriented field trips coming up in October that were not published in the Cactus Wrendition.

Thank you, Torin, for especially welcoming our tyro birders!


Check out the past issues of The Cactus Wren•dition!

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Field Trips

see Events menu for field trip detail


Programs and Meetings

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